Tyendinaga Celebration Unveiling
Thank you note and video (read more to see it.) Video courtesy of Andrea Kerr #Tyendinaga

Park Dale Celebration
Students and parents came out to celebrate. This picture is with teachers, the vice-principal, the HPEDSB director, and the mayor of...

Peeling off the tape
Here students are enjoying peeling off the masking tape from their canvases. This hands on project is a great starting point for...

Grade two and three students are working at Tyendinaga
Each of these students is starting with similar elements, and making their work their own. #Tyendinaga

Final Touches
Grade 1 and 2 students finishing up. We've enjoyed the hands on texture of yarn, glue, fabric and paper. #Tyendinaga

Adding More, Tyendinaga Twitter Post
Our grade 1 and 2 pieces are taking shape. #Tyendinaga