Adding Sequins
#AbstractCollage #Tyendinaga

Tyendinaga, Twitter Post
March 1st was the first day at Tyendinaga for our Artists in Communities and Schools project. This is with the grade 1/2 class. It's...

Park Dale final work
I love how students are learning to be bold and expressive. #ParkDale

Celebration at Stirling, Check Out Twitter
Art is communication. I was impressed by the grade 4 students who expressed how much they learned and appreciated their experience. ...

There's More Than One Side
Perspective comes from looking at things with a different eye. These students are learning to look at things from more than one view....
Opening Night at Stirling Public School
Friday, February 22nd, from 6:00. Followed by Math through Family Art Experiences. For more information, click here. #Stirling